Saturday, August 10, 2013

Favorite Metaphor for "Love"

This is about my favorite metaphor for love...which I hardly know any so I'll have to look some up.

Okay, I looked them up.  In my opinion, I think AVG and Yahoo are the worst search engines on the internet.  Thank you.

I really like "Love is a dead dog".  It really appeals to me because dead dogs, especially roadkill, look like some really, really cute dog is taking a nap on the side of the road, and you get closer to have a look.  Then suddenly BAM it's freaking DEAD.  You then check around, making sure if it's dead or not, thinking "It's probably just because of the angle that with which I looked at it", but you know it's dead.  It's dead, okay?  It's dead.  It's dead, darn it, dead.  But you just keep denying to yourself that it's dead.

"Oh no, it can't be dead, it looked so cute"
"It's still alive; I think I saw it move."
"No no no, it was just sleeping."

"Haha, no.  It's DEAD.  Just admit it to yourself.", everyone says, but you don't believe them.  You keep coming back to look at it, check it, even maybe give it food.  Of course it doesn't eat the food that you give it, so you simply leave it there, hoping that it eats it.  You leave.  Then you come back, and the food is gone.
"HA!  If the dog is dead, why did it eat the food?  Why, huh?  Why?"
"Well duh, the other dogs ate it.  You're sick man, stop this, it's really stupid."

But you keep coming back.  You just keep coming back.

Then one day, one of your neighbors finally comes and throws it into the dumpster.  You then set out to fight with your neighbor.  He killed the dog that poor dog!

Of course to your neighbor you sound like a total moron.  He didn't kill the dog, the dog was already dead; he just threw it in the dumpster because it was really starting to smell.  But you don't care about that, you still think he killed it.  He keeps trying to tell you that he threw it away because it was dead.

Finally, after the garbage truck comes and takes it away, you realize you were wrong; it was dead...You feel sad about how you chased after a dead dog for so long.  Your friends attempt to console you, and your neighbors ridicule you for your idiocy.  After a few weeks, everyone forgets about it, but you do not.  You keep looking at the place that you first met that dog.  You keep thinking "maybe, just maybe"; then even you forget about it.

"As the snow descended, landed on your hand and melted away, it was as if nothing was ever there."
     - Tohoshinki

Just a few weeks after you forgot about that whole thing with the dead dog, you hear a screech and a huge 'bam!'.  You go outside, and you see a really really cute dog sleeping.  The whole thing restarts.

To a person in love, it is like a dead dog (the left, yes I know that's poorly done), will look like a really cute sleeping dog (the right).  Of course, to a cynical bastard like me, everything looks like a dead dog (the left).  Okay, maybe it doesn't, but I thought this was pretty good.

Of course, we can write about love from several points of view.  The point of view that I decided to write from was from the part of me that hates the fact that I have faced rejection so many times in my life.  Does that mean I am angry about it?  No.  It's not that I'm angry at myself, it simply is just embarrassing.  And no, I did not find this metaphor online.  I looked online, but everything was so optimistic or extremely pessimistic.  I hate that.

The end.  I know I used one "bad word" in this, but I hope Mr. Lee doesn't see it.  (He probably doesn't read everything that everyone wrote anyway.)  Ah, whatever, I took like 15 minutes writing this anyway.

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